
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - November 2016

After all, why are Jinnat in my life?

 I did not have any idea that why is, the ways of living of Jinnat in my life, and why is activity and coming and going of Jinnat in my life? Neither did I do spiritual exercises to make Jinnat my subordinate nor did I do much wazaif (holy recitations)!!! Neither did I do acts of sacrifices and I do not consider myself a highly successful spiritual practitioner or saint.

My childhood and association of Jinnat: Since my childhood when I did not have the comprehension of the Jinnat, since that day I could feel Jinnat around me, sometimes my mother R.A. would leave me sleeping and she would say that she would feel that I am crying and when I use to get close I would feel the blanket moving upon you in extreme winters in such a way, that somebody is taping the child with both hands. My mother use to say that when I would lift the blanket, I would see that the child is sleeping peacefully, many times it so happened that I realized that the child is not eating or drinking since many hours and must be hungry but, when I tried to feed him, I would find milk in his mouth as if somebody has fed him milk and fragrance would be coming out of mouth, mother R.A. says that at times I would leave the child alone and go and feel that the child is laughing, smiling, and the way the children laugh, similarly this child would be laughing and I would realize, that somebody is playing with him but when I use to go in the room, would find no one but the child would be smiling looking towards a particular direction and laughing as if somebody is playing with him and upon my coming it has change its direction.

My comprehension and whispers of Jinnat: When I got older and my comprehension and conscious started functioning, I felt that while sleeping at night somebody is whispering in ears and says that see, you must recite Kalma before sleeping and should memorize the pray of sleeping, rather the pray of sleeping was made me memorize by these secretive things, would tell so many acts before sleeping, so many recitations which I did not know, would made me memorize as I would go off to sleep while memorizing them and when I use to get up in the morning, I would had them in my memory and if there would be any mistake then the second night they would made me memorize again with love and affection. Sometime, they would tell me good stories and now it had become a daily routine that while sleeping I would wait for them, once they said: If you sleep with ablution then you will take a position in your class, what to say, then, I started sleeping with ablution, it use to be extremely cold, I would go to the bed but suddenly would come out of it and my mother R.A. use to be surprised that what happened? After some time she came to know that now I will get up and would do ablution, she would scold me, that water is cold and this is not obligatory, but, I would make her understand by pleading and would go and do ablution. This act of ablution continued for years and years and I would sleep by reciting Kalma and doing small wazaif, acts, recitations, I would do in presence of these things, this carried on and when I started going to school they would tell me a lot to study more and more, and it would be their desire that I read with lot of attention, concentrate on my books, my teachers, my class and should give attention to knowledge, they would forbid me from too much sports, being naughty, running here and there etc. and they would tell this to me often and even, if I would do some mischief, I would realize that tonight before sleeping they would whisper in my ears and would warn me about it with love and affection and it use to happen so.

Only these are the people who made me learn how to live: With love and affection I use to be made understand and told that this is not to be done, this is to be done, if you would do this, meaning a better solution would be told. Believe me! These were the days of my happiness and peace, my every moment, every breath was being spent with peace and happiness, these were the people who made me understand the respect for parents, these were the people who taught me how to speak before parents, these were the whispers which told me how to look towards parents, in what way they are to be addressed or talked to, and these were the people who gave me the way to treat brother & sisters with love and affection, these were the people who gave me the ways to lead the life and these were the people who were with me with every breath and every moment, they kept on improving my life even today they are with me, with every breath of mine, I will call it a gift from God, I do not say that this is my quality and neither will I ever say it, as I am scared that if I say so then these pious personalities might leave me and get upset from me.

Wazifa and dryness of mind: Few days back when it was 19th of Holy month of Ramazan and after doing my regular recitations, I sat for the act of concentration, that I heard a whisper in my ears and I was surprised as it was a known whisper which I had been hearing since my childhood, it said: Today your this and this recitation was left out, do you remember? I was surprised: I left the act of concentration, again the whisper said: No, do not leave muraqba (act of concentration), do the left out recitations, afterwards but said, that see never leave these recitations, if any act if left out then do it afterwards (Qaza) as Qaza of an act is also very effective and then said: That did you use some oily things in your food? Because, now a days, you are not using oily things and this recitation is so powerful and you do such powerful recitations in a routine, so some oily intake is a must otherwise, there will be dryness in your mind and different illnesses and pains will start. In this context, Jinnat narrated one of their instances and said that my guide gave me a recitation and this one was very powerful and while doing it, once, it so happened with me that I could not sleep, when I use to get up I would feel dizzy, could not speak, even my memory was getting weak, I started forgetting things, would feel angry, when I told of this state of my mind to my guide, he said, that it appears that you have stopped massaging your head with oil, your feet, and have left the use of butter or cream or addible oil, I did as was told and after a while, these condition started to get away from me gradually.

Everything was lost of people making the Jinnat their subordinate: Readers! The world of Jinnat is a strange life, friendship with them is not good, leave alone enmity, you will think that why is friendship is not good? If they become friends themselves then, always every pious Jin remains a friend and faithful but, if one makes them their subordinate and with lot of difficulty even if they become subordinate, as not being ever wants to be subordinate, nothing is subordinate and this is a fact that Allah جل جلالہ has created everything independent and free and no being wants to be a slave whether it is human, animal or Jin.


No being accepts it. Many such people come to me who did many acts of 40 days to make Jinnat or Hamzad (same as Jinnat) their subordinate, neither was their body left nor life, nor spirit, nor faith, there will be very few of them whom faith is intact, otherwise, I have seen these people with my own eyes doing acts of infidelity and adopting such believes, I have not seen happiness, peace in their lives and have seen troubles, problems and pain in their lives, someone does not have children, if have then crippled, some does not have son or daughter and if has then the kids are rebellious and have bad character, have found most of them liking wealth, success and money, so trying to make Jinnat their slaves or subordinates is a big mistake, if they become friends themselves then still maintaining friendship is a matter of patience, wisdom and courage. But friendly Jinnat do not keep any condition, do not impose any strict conditions and do not give trouble, but the Jinnat whom one makes subordinates, they will put conditions, in form of wealth or food or they take something else too and normal healthy person suffers himself ultimately, while tolerating these strict conditions or cannot just take it and so the life of human becomes troublesome and a big problem for him, a big trouble for him and if he tolerates these conditions then still they do not let him take a breath of peace in his life.

Come, we should let go of our efforts to find Jinnat: Come! Why do not we stop our struggle to find Jinnat, we should take those precautions with which we can remain safe from any pain given by Jinnat.


 Never ever urinate in the pits and holes of animals: Respected Prophet Muhammad ﷺ when came to Madinah, there were two big tribes over there, one ouse and one Khizraj, a respected companion رضی اللہ عنھم of Prophet ﷺ who was elder and leader of Khizraj, by mistake urinated in a pit of an animal, as in Hadith (sayings of Prophet ﷺ) it is forbidden to urinate in pits, he did not do so deliberately but Jinnat became his enemy, a group of Jinnat which is called “Ghol” and it is the same group who bothered Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed رضی اللہ عنہ. (in a hadith it is mentioned at many places) they would come at night and would try to strangle him, this is the same group “Ghol” which tried to put a misunderstanding in the mind of Prophet ﷺ of Allah جل جلالہ but they failed as with Prophet ﷺ, direct system of protection of Allah جل جلالہ was there, it is the same “Ghol” who gives troubles to every religious person and become a mean of various illnesses, troubles, problems, failures and sorrows for those who ignore the prescribed acts of Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم or the prays for protection. These Jinnat took revenge from the leader of Khizraj Hazrat Abada Bin Saamat رضی اللہ عنھم. and killed him. Therefore, try not to urinate in the pits and holes of animals, so much so that, do not even go in their direction and fulfill your requirement, away from them. Many persons told me who lived in Jungles, villages and deserts that whenever we faced any pit or hole and urinated in it, we definitely went through some trouble, pain, sorrow or test and at times, these exams were so intense that they were beyond our tolerance and we did not heard of such trouble in the whole of our life and not even thought of.

Few such precautions for safety from Jinnat: Readers! Adopt one more precaution and it is that whenever you see a snake, make it remember the wordings of Hadith that Oh Jin you took a oath before Hazrat Daud علیہ السلام. and Hazrat Salman علیہ السلام., and if actually you are a snake then its alright but if you are a Jin, then give way. Repeat this for 3 times and then kill him. You will not be responsible for a crime. It has been revealed by continuous observations, experiences of scholars, Muhaddiseen, historians and spiritual scholars that every snake is not a Jin but some snakes are Jin. If they are killed, they definitely take revenge and revenge of death is death, they definitely give trouble to this person or to people close to him and then kill them.


End of a person deliberately urinating in pits: In this context, quite some time back, a Jin narrated me an instance which I suddenly recalled, Jin said that: once I was going with my father for the purpose of trade and passing through the stony and hilly area of China that I met a person who I sensed wanted to urinate. My father said, that it seems that the time of his death is close by and he will urinate, if he urinated in a pit then he will be killed and if he urinated at such a place where there is no pit then he will live, we were looking towards him that suddenly he went in the direction of a pit which was towards a slope and started urinating in it, suddenly there was movement in the insects, after urinating he walked away, for 3 days continuously he was travelling in the mountains and had mules and some people with him too. He had his things loaded on these mules and whenever he had to urinate he would go towards a pit and like this, many times he urinated in different pits, my father was astonished that he had urinated so many times in pits and still nothing has happened to him and he is safe, and alive, finally it happened of which we were scared of. He was going that suddenly his foot slipped over a small stone of a mountain and he fell with his forehead down and got his forehead injured, he started bleeding and became unconscious, we got to know that he was the leader of the caravan, people picked him up and made a make shift bed on the mule with his things and put him on it and started walking, they tried out everything which they could for his treatment like desert plants and native ways of treatment but, their no method could cure him. After a day and a night finally, he died in the morning. We were seeing with our own eyes that the thing which they called a stone was not actually a stone, it was Jin whose house was in the first pit in which this person has urinated and from which insects had come out. He came before him in form of a stone and twisted his leg and pushed him on a big stone and then smashed his head with lot of power on the land and he became unconscious and during this state Jinnat killed him (Continued)

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